"To Be Free"
If there’s anything you take away from reading this website it is this: Draft Land is a draft cocktail bar that provides cocktails on tap.
Premixed, no garnish, one pull and there you have it, a glass of cocktail right in front of you.
Our team crafts a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails with its Draft System by injecting nitrogen (N2) or carbon dioxide (CO2) into beverages to fast create high quality, sustainable, affordable selections of specialty cocktails. Founded in 2018, Draft Land is created by Drinks Lab, a beverage research and development company that values cross-disciplinary innovation and strives to continuously redefine beverages. Opening our first location in Taipei, Taiwan and the following year in Hong Kong, we have now opened doors in a third city, Bangkok, in the COMMONS Saladeng.
We carry out the brand spirit of “to be free” through the offering of our cocktails by creating easy and casual drinks accessible for everyone. To us, the creation of cocktails is a freedom, we can mix and match until we’ve created flavors we deem worthy to share with the world. With 18 different choices on tap, we hope there’s one in the mix for you to enjoy. From the initiation of bottled cocktail development, we’ve got our central kitchen in Daily by Draft Land, and our upstairs neighbor Testing Room, banging out cocktails in different ways. Our aim is to increase the accessibility of cocktails into different lifestyle markets, and to become the industry’s leading innovative cocktail brand.
Draft Land 是一間以 Cocktails On Tap 形式為主的汲飲式雞尾酒吧。 預先調製而成,沒有多餘裝飾物,只需壓下龍頭,即可獲得你想要的雞尾酒
藉由提供讓大家能簡單且輕鬆喝的調酒來帶出屬於Draft Land的品牌精神” to be free ”,對Draft Land來說創造調酒是自由的,我們不斷調整風味直到足夠與世界分享為止。
希望藉由18款不同品項的選擇,讓大家都能挑選到最適合自己當下味道的飲品。 我們創造出風味真正的自由是認識自己後的自由,是平衡下的自由,是喝一杯最適合自己當下的自由。
Draft Land於2018年由飲品研究室所創立,飲品研究室是間非常重視跨領域創新,且不斷重新定義飲品的飲品公司,於台灣開設第一家台北本店,在隔年開設香港分店,現在第三家分店也將於曼谷COMMONS Saladaeng文創園區開幕。
目前已將瓶裝雞尾酒的產品開發啟動, 透過Draft Land的生產和研發核心Daily by Draft Land和Testing Room來多元的發展出調酒。
Draft Land 合作店家中的「好樣食藝 VVG Food Play & Bar 」位在日本建築大師 #伊東豐雄 所設計的 #台中國家歌劇院 中,無樑柱的曲牆建築工法,號稱世界最難蓋的建築之一,建築本身即是藝術品,裡頭還包括世界級的表演舞台、充滿藝文氣息的角落空間。能在 #國家級 的空間裡品嚐「好樣食藝 VVG Food Play & Bar 」的美食、喝 Draft Cocktail 的同時,即是一場藝文結合餐飲的知性享受~
VVG Food & Play
A Fabules Day
Draft Land 合作店家中的「好樣食藝 VVG Food Play & Bar 」位在日本建築大師 #伊東豐雄 所設計的 #台中國家歌劇院 中,無樑柱的曲牆建築工法,號稱世界最難蓋的建築之一,建築本身即是藝術品,裡頭還包括世界級的表演舞台、充滿藝文氣息的角落空間。能在 #國家級 的空間裡品嚐「好樣食藝 VVG Food Play & Bar 」的美食、喝 Draft Cocktail 的同時,即是一場藝文結合餐飲的知性享受~
Street Voice x Draft Land
Street Voice x Draft Land
Street Voice x Draft Land